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Humanities 11th Grade 

Food Project

For this food project, we researched our own food ethics,  this means we realized what we value in our food and how it's made. I discovered that I already have quite a strong food ethic supporting organic, natural, and clean Foods. Is Project was interesting because we had such close access to our food during our quarantining and it really made us think about what goes into it. 

Personal Philosophy Project

 For this project we studied many different kinds of philosophies and ideologies. We did this in the hope to find one that we connected with and felt was our own. My big realization with this project with that I really didn't know why we are here or what are we doing on this Earth or what purpose we have but I think that we should just enjoy our time here to the fullest and live full lives.

I don't know
By Sam Atchison


I don't know  
I really don't know why 

Why we were put on this earth 
To live, laugh, love and die

To have pain, no gain, and hate just to have it all end

I want to say I have some knowledge to lend

But I cant

I can't say why we are all here
Because it is up to us to find in a couple of years

But never mislead
Only you can find your purpose 
So don't you dare drink

From another's life, religion, spirit or philosophy 
You are the only one who can see your own prophecy

Now I'm not telling you what to believe
But don't let anyone determine your life's worth or creed 

You are special, amazing, and loved over all else 

Keep that in mind when you judge yourself 

Because we are all here on this rock just trying to get along 

Remember that just because I'm different and I don't know 
does not mean I'm wrong 

I am trying my best to tell you what I am thinking
It's our lack of communication why we are not linking 

Why are we are so quick to just blame the other side
 why can't you see that this hypocrisy is just trying to get us to divide

 because when we are apart we cannot stand together
 and then they will have the power to do with us whatever 

 So what we need to ask is why, why, why
 because a lack if of knowledge is never power 

 but we shouldn't be afraid to admit
 that we do not know, that I don't know!    

But as we get older and we continue to grow
We might just turn those I don't know into 
yes I know.


Rhetoric Project 

A Single Shot

A single shot 

A single shot it’s all it takes 

A single shot that takes a humans life away

With the cascade and shells laying upon the floor

How many bodies have fallen and how many more?

I ask myself 

I ask myself these questions 

Because what a fucked up norm to live in this generation

Do you know my peers who have been shot and have fallen

Do you know how many more will fall 

Before we get a reaction from congress 

But even more 

Do you know my friends who have turned the gun on themselves 

Is this a problem of gun control or mental health 

How should we try to mitigate this terrible tragedy

Why can’t we agree on some basic decency 

I wish I could say it is easy to see 

I am not putting this on a single side

The two-parent of this nation can’t seem to decide

While they’re bickering their children continue to die 

There seems to be no point game of tug and pull

Why have shooting become such a part of the status quo 

Is there lobbying not stopping this?

 how can they deal such a low blow

Why can’t these laws seem to be boulder   

Don’t we have the boys in blue protecting from over the shoulder 

Or does it have to rely on boy ready to give his life so his peers can grow older 

But how wrong 

How wrong is that for is that for them to make that decision

Because someone is so filled with hate that there is no mental precision

If we had given him options would there be no collision 

Though it might be more complicated than the world’s pollution 

But we need to find so sort of conclusion 

But please 

Let’s try to keep our guns from the freaking insane 

Our current background checks are looking too plain

It seems so easy to just explain

please help keep away the tragedy and the pain 

34,844 people fallen in all our land 

Though that numbers probably been changed by another hand 

Too many of my peer is lost in an attempt final stand 

Why is there no decisions when there’s such a demand 

I know I can only say so much because I am just one man 

No, I am a kid

I am a kid growing up in this generation 

And it seems like we are the only ones with the motivation 

We can seem to change to political tide 

But, it’s are peers who are continuing to die 

Only one bill has passed for guns control this year

And our president says he will veto it if it comes to his ear

So, please 

Make your actions and vote with your heart 

I’m not saying no to guns at least gun control to start

I may not know what I always say is right 

but use your power in this country for good and not fright 

With this democracy, let’s guide it into the light  

So I am going to as you tonight

Let use something other than guns in this country to fight

Personal Connection 

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